Dangling ear buds, and Nike sandals. With a
dirtied swoosh because they've made this stroll to 7 eleven a million times,
like it’s their default destination. So he slips them on to hug his mismatched
Walking to the same old door, stuck like it has sap filled hinges, he lifts up and pulls, and steps outside, down the creaky stairs onto the sidewalk where his skin is
met with golden sunbeams like a mother’s kiss on the cheek, warm and
Closes eyes and breathes in, he soaks it up as if it was the
last kiss he’d receive from mother sun.
The sunshine absorbs in his pores, as the golden tingle
spreads through his body, a simple smile results upon his face.
A relaxed heartbeat sounds in his ear, he accompanies it by
slipping in the ear buds and head bobbs to the beat
With a new piece of gum he blows a bubble and repeats..
cause some childhood habits never retire
Yawning reaching skyward with muscles flexing and extending
he stretches like a bear out of hibernation and sighs into his morning trek
“Draaag draaag”, the sound his sandals make, a sleepy
walk creates a street beat when it accompanies the “Rat tat tat tat” of an old chevy
starting and the “bwoop bwoop” of a cop car..
Grinning he takes his
headphones out and bobs to this street beat, “Draaag draaag, a rat tat tat tat bwoop
A swift rush of running kids passes by “thap thap thap thap”
n a skateboarder kick flip lands “whik pt” and cruises down the road as a bird
flies by whistling a melodious tune “doodle doodle doop do doo”
Combining into “Thap thap thap thap, whik pt, doodle doodle
doop do doo”
“Draaag draaag, a rat tat tat tat bwoop bwoop, Thap thap
thap thap, whik pt, doodle doodle doop do doo” Continues the track of this city’s’ album created daily by
the artists that occupy it.
Now walking out of 7eleven with a sugary slurpee to sweeten
the day he “sluuurp, sluuurp”‘s it to make a street beat track for his walk