Sunday, June 23, 2013

Let the Rain Fall

My Doppler radar has a signal for your storms 

So let me kiss you where the rain drops drip and let my tongue navigate the streams they leave behind

The pit patter of me and you in thunderstorms of ecstasy

A sultry drizzle moving slow, Feel it drip down your back and trickle along your chest

Or a torrential downpour let me shower over you like my body is the rain

I’ll strike you with lightning if you caress me with the clouds and carry me in the floods.

Tonight we’ll make sounds of thunder and like Zeus, you’ll be my Greek god. I will be Aphrodite your goddess of love.

Your hot breath swirls around my skin, causing my body to sway in your wind
Forming a tropical cyclone with increasing speed, a hurricane we’ll create

Let your love crash down and sweep me off my feet, I promise I can swim
But only if you jump in too, don’t worry I know CPR

I will take my lips and slowly touch them to yours
Softly breathing my oxygen to fill your lungs

And as you gasp for air, I’ll seduce the blood in your veins to wake you up right before you drown…      call me lifesaver

So let the rain fall