Saturday, December 21, 2013

Fountain of Youth

As we grow older its like our ability to dream and live in the moment swirls down the sink of time.

Manufactured by society, this urgency to find a fountain of youth

You see her face? Yes her, She thinks she’s found it

But if you were to play in her fountain you would be frolicking in a flow of botox, silicone, cash, products and wasted days.

She doesn’t realize that while searching for the fountain of youth she is missing out on the youthfulness she has. Losing her life by chasing her death.

She doesn’t understand that the wrinkles she gets rid of were pressed on by early morning laughter at her husband’s bedside, wrinkles that remind her when love is present, time knows no limit

The lifting and tucking, sucking and sticking to her body are like erasers of determination and hard work, memory chasers of her younger body to replace the beautiful body grown from selflessness and years of being a mommy

All clean and tight, curved just right.. she doesn’t realize this fountain of youth didn’t give her time back

Instead, it erased all of the memories she let pass by while trying to find something  she thought would allow her to hold onto them longer

She barely sees the images in her peripherals as she’s ironically distracted trying to save them

If only you could see.. the money you trade for beauty isn’t cash, you’re paying with time.

Sand of your hourglass falls through your hand everytime you give them money

The beautiful you define is a fraud, someone rewrote what you were initially intended to know as beauty.

You've shackled yourself to the future by chasing your past, allow yourself to break free 

Don’t let it slip through your fingers, play in the sand, enjoy all of the life you have left. Treasure the wrinkles and grey hairs as proof that you did.

Because, one day your fountain will run dry and you’ll realize you missed out on today and tomorrow by trying to get yesterday back.

We all get caught up in the chase for the fountain of youth, it’s hard not too. Just don’t get consumed or you too will end up with a timed out hour glass sooner than you think 

Live in the Moments that are present, your past will have fewer regrets

In My Father's Arms

In your arms I like to cry, the safest place I run to
Running to you through time, until I collide in your arms always as your little girl
Hold me close with an embrace of peace and rest
My place of surrender, where tears write the story on my cheeks like a journal and the words wrap onto your shirt, a puddled, unedited mess
The feeling of release from holding my breath too long
In your arms I breathe
In your arms I write
In your arms I cry
Where I find peace
In my Father’s arms. 

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

The Moment You Fall In Love

I’m reaching for love, unashamed and outstretched, my heart’s  hand is waiting 
And someone’s heart has reached out and grabbed it.. unknowingly, our fingers intertwined and interlocked 

All I've wanted is to be loved. But what do you do when you can’t love the person who vulnerably loves you back? 

Every fiber in you longs just for what they've given you, and all you want is to feel the same for them but you can’t. And you don’t know why.. there’s no logic, no sense, no understanding, of coarse not.. 

Sometimes I wish love and logic were friends, that heart and mind were in sync, but they’re not; one of life’s undefined quarrels. A bickering of co-workers that can never agree but maybe one day..

Maybe, just for one moment there is a time in all of our lives where logic and love, heart and mind are at peace. 

The day when a hug answers the questions for the mind and the desires of the heart.. 

What if a life’s enlightenment was captured in this single hug? Like the embrace breathes into your soul, a warm overwhelming nostalgia, almost like out of body. 

It simultaneously pauses every thought running through the gears of your brain and the pulse’s of longing in your heart.. there, in this silence, you feel like a Polaroid frozen in time.. every thing is at peace. 

Your mind has stopped thinking and your heart surrenders, it melts into the arms of the embrace, a quiet beating when all is conquered. 

The beats of two hearts together as one, a taste of heaven on earth. A flavor your lips will never forget.. 

There is only one place where one is not limited by time or emotion.. when your mind and your heart are in harmony...

The moment you fall in love.