Gold watch glistening as he Gatsby drives down to dinner with a woman more status than human
Their conversation is polluted with anything dollar sign
Clouded by this green smog of self gain and contempt, they use their status and money for only selfish reasons leaving them empty. But they're the rich one's right?
This life is so ironic. Sometimes those we envy the most are the truly unhappy and poor.. never satisfied & always searching for something they don't realize money can't buy.
If currency included items like time, faith, passion and quality relationships then where would you stand? Because in the bank of life they are
Balancing this account correctly is key because if you do it right the possibility of losing everything material would not scare you
Poverty by definition refers to being poor and having insufficient amounts of something
So look past the glam and humans frosted with fame.. and look past plain, dull lack of name brand image of others. Rather, look into the eyes and behind the smile, you will see who is truly poor with or without the material wealth
Money has the potential to be a very powerful thing, especially when paired with good intentions, but this is rare and does not solely define what it means to be wealthy
Money has the potential to be a very powerful thing, especially when paired with good intentions, but this is rare and does not solely define what it means to be wealthy
The challenge, whether the watch and car are under your name or not, is to live like currency includes items such as time, faith, passion and quality relationships.
Because how you spend those is the true difference between who is rich or poor.
Because how you spend those is the true difference between who is rich or poor.