Sunday, June 7, 2015


I've taken advantage of time for too long...
I don't have time for fear
So let me shake it out of the hinges in my spine , let me sweep it from the corners of my mind.

When I make time for fear, my dreams and goals get put on back order.
It's foolish to assume progress will eventually happen if I can simply move forward now.

But my being human still let's fear autopilot sometimes and I sit back to allow it, because risks are never comfortable
So how do you deal with fear?
You deal with fear through perception.

Perception, the eyes that let you outwardly analyze your internal thoughts and ongoing actions.
That let you interpret each part of the masterpiece you would otherwise construct if fear wasn't a part of the picture.

See, I don't have time for fear.. so with perception in one hand and bravery in the other, let me free fall into my dreams
Fear won't ever disappear, no, it will always be there.. there to say you're too old, that's foolish, that's out of your reach, you're too weak, you can't do that, what if this? what if that?
I'm not saying I can conquer all of those thoughts or conquer fear completely, but I can learn to channel it.

It may be alongside me for this ride of life, but I will keep it in the backseat seat because I don't have time to let it cruise control past opportunities.

So, think of your dreams, think of all of the things you want to accomplish in life & think of all the reasons you've come up with about why they can't happen...
Now, think of the possibility that those reasons are quite possibly all constructed from lies that fear whispered to you unknowingly.
Take those whispers, and turn them inside out, because when it comes down to it, the only thing standing in between you and unlimited possibility is yourself.
We have oddly made fear of failure stronger than possibility of success, and we sit in whatever life recliner we find comfort in.
But I dare you to sit up, open the front door and run towards whatever it is that scares you.
Because even if you don't end up where you thought you would, at least you saw a whole world more than the living room where your life recliner was.