Wednesday, January 27, 2016

I want to be your never's

I want to be your "nevers"

Your, "I'll never start dating until I have my life figured out"

or Your.. "I'm never getting married.."

The, "I'm never going to fall in love again" sob story you tell your unbelieving friends

I want to be the, "I'll never drink this, or taste that".. the "I'll never live there or drive that"

Because when I become your "nevers" you'll be saying, "I'm never letting you go, I'll never stop loving you."

And I'll be saying it back.

Saturday, January 23, 2016


Often, the things we love most bring us the most pain.
Jobs, hobbies, relationships
Because anytime love is involved there will always be a struggle.
Pain is like the test of your love, it proves you care
True passion is always fought for, and no fight is ever simple or sweet
So remember why you're following the path you are, because the vision can become cloudy in the midst of frustration
Adversity can pull on your weaknesses like jenga pieces
But when you find the strength to keep standing, and not accept defeat, that's when you know love is  involved. There's a reason you keep going 
If you find giving up easy, maybe there is no passion, or your love has faded.
 The journey of the struggle, fighting for something you feel so deeply about.
This is what makes the love and the passions you decide to pursue so sweet.