Saturday, December 13, 2014

Bravery in broken dreams

When a promise or dream is broken, baby don't bury it.

With brave hands pick up the pieces of shattered hope in your arms and toss them skyward

Bravery is not built on burying pain and brokenness but by unyieldingly scooping up all your doubts and fears in your arms & flinging them into the sky to become stars.

Stars that will guide you through life. Because what else do we follow but the lessons of your past and the author of the unwritten future

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lonely Hearts

As she falls asleep, his arms envelop her in warmth.

His chest is her pillow.

She listens to his gentle heartbeat knowing it isn't meant for her..

But sometimes lonely hearts just need warm arms to fall asleep in.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Life is short

Life is short

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The theme for a funeral I Just recently attended for another who died so soon...

Short like a temper is the life we live

Age doesn't mean invincible like it did when we superhero played on the play ground

Never would I have guessed at 24 years old that I would have known so many that have passed who once too believed they were invincible.

And although our time here is temporary, our spirit is who are you and what are you doing here?

Because when life rolls it’s dice your way that’s the only thing you’ll leave

When you’re getting fitted for your heavenly wings will you see the footprints you left on earth? 

Because the superhero’s playing in the playground will soon find out they’re not invincible either and need some footsteps to follow

The unkown time on your watch should not discourage you, lift that head higher than ever because the lights in your eyes can inspire others to enjoy each moment they otherwise would have taken for granted

Life shouldn't be lived based on the fact that it’s temporary but on the fact that we have a purpose in it.

So, who are you and what are you doing here? 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Subway Companions

Slouching insecurity, she steps onto the subway and sinks in to her usual spot never looking up

She wears stress like an accessory in the form of baggy eyes and unwashed hair.

The cross on her neck is the only thing on her that speaks hope

However, today she looked up and in a moment of humanity her eyes drearily met with his.

Passed the bags and wrinkles sit her warm brown eyes that hadn’t genuinely looked into another’s for far too long.

Out of relief a tear rolled down her cheek because she knew he wasn’t looking at her accessories of stress. 
Rather, he saw her for the person even she forgets she is sometimes.

Content and Confident she steps onto the subway and nestles into her usual spot

She wears joy like an accessory in the form of a smile and loving eyes

Looking up, her neighbor gleams because from one genuine moment of humanity they've become best friends  

Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Kind of Honest Poem

She is a child at heart with and old soul

She has an appetite for adventure.

She breathes peace and laughs joy

Sweet is the fragrance that follows her

She battles fear daily, but the devil on her shoulder is no one other than herself And those shoulders get tired from carrying excessive loads brought on by her arms of empathy...

Lonely from the walls she places herself in but within the walls lives a heart marinated in passion and a soul that breathes fire. Because when she loves, she loves with the richest flavor and deepest flame one soul can handle. But she hasn’t allowed herself to fully love in a very long time

She has a hard time talking about herself to others and doesn’t like being in the spotlight alone.. you see this was supposed to be my Honest poem but I started writing it in 3rd person for that very reason. So I guess that makes this my kind of honest poem….

Born February 11th 1990, and I am the “she”who daily battles fear. The fear of being mediocre vs. fear of leaving my comfort zone to be my greatest. 

I sometimes struggle with saying no and would be lost without the GPS in my phone

Which is ironic because If I were to point out to you my current location on the roadmap to my life I would be spinning in circles trying to decide which path I’m supposed to trek.

I have come to appreciate the simple things in life like hot showers, sleep, chapstick, H2O, sincere hugs,  uncontrollable laughter, an honest kiss and moments without technology.

If you asked me have I ever seen God? I would tell you yes.. In children, I see heaven in their eyes and life in their smiles. The world hasn’t tainted and stripped them of innocence yet

I have a sweet tooth … a big one.

My friends find my love for slow jams humerous 

And I think music is the heartbeat of our world, the pulse of human creativity.. In other words, we’d be "dead" without it.

I am fascinated by anatomy and love learning about the human body.
Exercise, is my coping mechanism. It keeps me sain.

I get random urges to stand on my hands instead of my feet and I often describe with sound effects instead of words

If I could be on a reality TV show It would be "So You Think You Can Dance" or "America Ninja Warrior"
But you would think I am trying out for the Voice when I’m alone in the car or shower

I love super spicy food, like runny nose status.

When people ask me how tall I am I still say, "Almost 5’2” " in hopes that someday I will be even though I know I stopped growing 9 years ago

For some reason I love defense in any sport, I guess I love challenging the play makers.

I would consider myself wealthy if relationships were currency

And I am flawed.. but try hard to cover it up.

I live life pretty fearless until it comes to my heart.

My face would be next to the hopeless romantic entry in the encyclopedia. But 5 year old wedding planner was never me, the only part of my wedding I’ve ever dreamt about is the groom. And I can’t lie, I’ve dreamt about him a lot

Sometimes I feel like I need a translator to understand my emotions. I think it’s because I grew up hiding my them

Lose ignorance not innocence is the motto I’ve tried to live by, but this constantly becomes harder

If you were to rob me I’d ask leave me one thing, my faith. God is the 1 constant I know I can always count on. He has given me overflowing Joy and Love for this life I live. 

But If God were to write me a letter right now it would probably say “What are you waiting for?” because I am a dreamer with big dreams but I get scared to pull them out of the clouds.. so I tend to leave them there.
I feel like a bird trapped in a cage not fully able to spread my wings and fly, deep down I think we all feel that way. Maybe because we’re all angels on earth where wings don't work. 

Hi, My name is Mandy Parker and I am 24 years old.
I love a good pair of shoes and still don't know how to act when talking to someone I find attractive
I'm a sucker for kind eyes, a good smile and someone who makes me laugh
I think it's easier to write my thoughts than speak them & I'm a motivational quote fiend
I'm easy to please, especially if boba is involved 
You can find me trying to understand the directions on my GPS for life 

Sunday, September 7, 2014


My conclusion is this.. that every person you encounter in life leaves a finger print on your heart.
Acquaintances, co workers, family, friends, lovers. Some are faint, but some leave deep imprints. Not determined by length of relationship but force of impact.

Engraved signatures on our soul, each fingerprint a passageway to the memories, emotions, and lessons that make up who we are

Thursday, February 27, 2014

What if..

Scrubbing my skin till it turns raw, the ink I can’t remove
What if…

What if we were all covered in tattoos? But not the normal, instead you’re tattooed with the thoughts of yourself.

What if they were daily printed on your pure untainted skin. Each morning we wake up fresh and clean until our mind begins to turn.

We become Graffiti’d with the thoughts of ourselves. Beautiful and ugly, brutally honest. We'd be covered from head to toe. Dipped in words for the whole world to see.

What if people read the fleshly scroll that rolled down your body “unworthy” “Ashamed” “Confident” “Indecisive” “Love” “Defeat” “exhausted” “Beautiful” “Happy” “Concerned” “Joy” “Excited” “Cheater” “Honest”..

Would the way you think of yourself change? Or are our minds predestined to judge ourselves?
The true definition of beauty would be revealed on our stained bodies. Those who know they are beautiful would be, it would be reflected on their outside.

But the ugliness of our insecurities would clothe most of us. Like a child too ignorant to see the false identity we see ourselves as.

What if you couldn't hide in the 3 anatomical layers of blanketed skin? What if flesh didn’t matter, no makeup, plastic surgery, workouts, brand names or money could cover how you define yourself.

Would you let the open mic on your skin sink you further into insecurity, or would you use that open mic to inspire yourself to paint a canvas you are proud of?

 Would you see the beauty of individuality? Or will you compare your tattooed art to others?
Will your thoughts support unique? Or will you struggle in a boxing match to take ownership of your identity?

We are not all cut of the same puzzle piece design, or the big picture would never be fully put together.

We each have our own place to fit. If one piece loses their way or tries to be something it’s not, there will be a hole in the puzzle, never to be finished.

What if your thoughts were daily tattooed on your skin, would you let it defeat you? Or would you let it become discovered beauty that would have otherwise gone unseen.

Will you see people for who they are and find beauty in individuality or will your insecurities and ugly thoughts daily be revealed?

What if we were all covered in tattoos with the thoughts of ourselves.

What if… 

Innocence and Ignorance

Life: A battle between ignorance and innocence
A backwards whisper into human souls, a misconception society has flipped
That innocence is ignorance, a trait for fools
They blind you with ignorance to rob you of your innocence
But they can’t rob without a fight, the choice is yours
Take the blindfold off and a black and white world will glow with color
Reality is found in the value of keeping a sense of innocence and allowing the loss of ignorance
A reality of pureness and wisdom, not blind and foolish
Life: A battle between ignorance and innocence
Are you still wearing the blindfold?

Sunday, January 12, 2014


Do the work society forgets 
Speak for those who can't
Love for those who won't

Actually scratch that.. yes continue the words above but go even further
Make society remember what it ignores
Help the voiceless find their own voice
And for those who won't love,
don't only love for them but show them love until they will love on their own.