Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Life is short

Life is short

“Who are you and what are you doing here?” The theme for a funeral I Just recently attended for another who died so soon...

Short like a temper is the life we live

Age doesn't mean invincible like it did when we superhero played on the play ground

Never would I have guessed at 24 years old that I would have known so many that have passed who once too believed they were invincible.

And although our time here is temporary, our spirit is invincible..so who are you and what are you doing here?

Because when life rolls it’s dice your way that’s the only thing you’ll leave

When you’re getting fitted for your heavenly wings will you see the footprints you left on earth? 

Because the superhero’s playing in the playground will soon find out they’re not invincible either and need some footsteps to follow

The unkown time on your watch should not discourage you, lift that head higher than ever because the lights in your eyes can inspire others to enjoy each moment they otherwise would have taken for granted

Life shouldn't be lived based on the fact that it’s temporary but on the fact that we have a purpose in it.

So, who are you and what are you doing here? 

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