Sunday, June 7, 2015


I've taken advantage of time for too long...
I don't have time for fear
So let me shake it out of the hinges in my spine , let me sweep it from the corners of my mind.

When I make time for fear, my dreams and goals get put on back order.
It's foolish to assume progress will eventually happen if I can simply move forward now.

But my being human still let's fear autopilot sometimes and I sit back to allow it, because risks are never comfortable
So how do you deal with fear?
You deal with fear through perception.

Perception, the eyes that let you outwardly analyze your internal thoughts and ongoing actions.
That let you interpret each part of the masterpiece you would otherwise construct if fear wasn't a part of the picture.

See, I don't have time for fear.. so with perception in one hand and bravery in the other, let me free fall into my dreams
Fear won't ever disappear, no, it will always be there.. there to say you're too old, that's foolish, that's out of your reach, you're too weak, you can't do that, what if this? what if that?
I'm not saying I can conquer all of those thoughts or conquer fear completely, but I can learn to channel it.

It may be alongside me for this ride of life, but I will keep it in the backseat seat because I don't have time to let it cruise control past opportunities.

So, think of your dreams, think of all of the things you want to accomplish in life & think of all the reasons you've come up with about why they can't happen...
Now, think of the possibility that those reasons are quite possibly all constructed from lies that fear whispered to you unknowingly.
Take those whispers, and turn them inside out, because when it comes down to it, the only thing standing in between you and unlimited possibility is yourself.
We have oddly made fear of failure stronger than possibility of success, and we sit in whatever life recliner we find comfort in.
But I dare you to sit up, open the front door and run towards whatever it is that scares you.
Because even if you don't end up where you thought you would, at least you saw a whole world more than the living room where your life recliner was.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Gold watch glistening as he Gatsby drives down to dinner with a woman more status than human

Their conversation is polluted with anything dollar sign

Clouded by this green smog of self gain and contempt, they use their status and money for only selfish reasons leaving them empty. But they're the rich one's right?

This life is so ironic. Sometimes those we envy the most are the truly unhappy and poor.. never satisfied & always searching for something they don't realize money can't buy.

If currency included items like time, faith, passion and quality relationships then where would you stand? Because in the bank of life they are

Balancing this account correctly is key because if you do it right the possibility of losing everything material would not scare you

 Poverty by definition refers to being poor and having insufficient amounts of something

So look past the glam and humans frosted with fame.. and look past plain, dull lack of name brand  image of others. Rather, look into the eyes and behind the smile, you will see who is truly poor with or without the material wealth

Money has the potential to be a very powerful thing, especially when paired with good intentions, but this is rare and does not solely define what it means to be wealthy

The challenge, whether the watch and car are under your name or not, is to live like currency includes items such as time, faith, passion and quality relationships.
Because how you spend those is the true difference between who is rich or poor.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Don't forget

Don't forget to sometimes put down your phone and turn off distractions

Go back to holding hands and making eye contact.

Have an honest conversation.      

Its easy to forget the power of  human interaction and connectivity. 

Simple things we were made for      

There's a reason holding hands cause butterfly swarms, hugs envelop you in comfort and wrap you up in peace, looking in someone's eyes makes you nervous, a kiss summons goosebumps & your spirit craves quality conversation.

Sunday, April 19, 2015


Summer breeze, earth's breath, a caress of carefree that gently blows stress off shoulders like dandelion wishers
Popsicle lip smiles that smack and watermelon drip stained shirts
Barefeet meet grass like an old friends embrace
As sunshine melts happy on skin
Evening thunderstorms strobe light the sky as raindrop scents airfreshen the atmosphere

Friday, April 10, 2015

Dear Unknown

Unzip my heart and you'll find a mirror because it's filled with you

The wrinkles in my hand connect a perfect path to yours
 And my soul echoes the words of forever that your soul spoke

My lips autograph passion only on you

You, the muse of my thoughts

Who I fell in love with when I saw the intensity in your eyes to live a life so vivid

I feel your breath from the spoken "I love you"'s when we're apart

You have salt shaker fingers from wiping my tears, and sleep number arms that are adjusted to me

My extra vertebrae support you when one backbone isn't enough to withstand the world

And I'm your extra lung when you're out of breath

Eyes blinking, I wake up from dreaming to realize I'm still bus stop waiting for you

But love is never on schedule, so I'll just sit on the bench & wait for you to step off of the L train

I'll recognize you because I've seen you in my dreams

I'll know it's you when we hold hands and the wrinkle paths connect, when your sleep number arms are set to me

You'll be able to stand stronger and breathe easier when I'm around.

So, Dear unknown, I feel the echoes from your soul while I sit on the bench waiting for intense eyes that live a life so vivid so I can autograph you with passion lips

Life Instructions

Write so your mind can breathe
Cry to free your soul
Laugh to taste life
Love to lose control
Give to be satisfied
Hug to avoid numbness
Rest to find peace
Balance to know contentment
Let go to gain strength
Dream to keep innocence
Search to lose ignorance
Have faith to stay grounded
Wander to find your way
Experience to gain insight
Live to conquer fear

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

dream catcher pillow

Moonlight tinted walls as she lays down to sleep, hoping to find her little girl dreams

Relaxing is a foreign at this hour because distracted thoughts have a wanderlust towards unknown futures, unanswered questions, heart matters & unpaved paths.. So dream catcher pillows having been catching more tears than dreams lately

Nights can often be filled with lonely when sheets are the only hug keeping her company

And night is the only time her mind has time to run, so it runs laps around her brain, until tears are the only answer for exhausted thoughts that are too much for her minds running legs to keep up with.

So she inhales composure, breathe baby girl because those cheeks don't wear lonely well and trembling lips can't speak confidently.
Like rain, eyes are clearer after the storm so dry those eyes and keep that chin up because your jawline is defined in bravery.

Your heart marinates in passion

Your soul hands out peace and breaths joy

Your strength isn't defined in your legs, but how you carry yourself

You think for yourself and contemplate big dreams which sometimes feels out of place, but it's better than setting your brain on society auto pilot.

Don't be afraid to speak your mind, for this may be your kryptonite

Learn to be more decisive, because time doesn't pause

Love doesnt mean settling down so stop weighing it against your dreams and opportunities.You don't have to chose one or the other, love can be found within your adventure...

Moonlight tinted walls as she falls asleep while dream catcher pillows translate tears into vision

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Love is..

Why do we hold false expectations when it comes to love?

In our social media, technology driven lives there's a growing problem of build a bear lovers & Instagram filtered relationships. Causing this realm encompassed in false expectations where you can just swipe to the next option

But you cannot place false expectations on someone or you'll end up leaving when they do not deliver.. For you decided who you wanted them to be before learning who they really were.

Love is them...

They are separately strong, self confident and independent.

Individual beliefs goals and pursuits that flowed together creating a stream of encouragement towards success
They aren't perfect, but they understand and accept that they are flawed. They don't hide behind a façade

Together they are covalent, strongly bonded and hard to break apart

No teetering jenga pieces, they support each other like architectural phenomenon's

They understand love because they've understood themselves instead of trying to fill insecurities with other peoples' innocent hearts

They've learned that love is Accepting flaws, forgiving mistakes, understanding selflessness, & being vulnerable

But this love is hard work, you better be willing to understand its not fixed with autocorrect & emojis

Love is more than the hand holding, lip locking & caress of physical passion.

It's the hand that always comes back to yours even in the midst of tension, and lips that kiss tattoos of apologies after spitting darts. Its the caress of understanding someone else's needs that leads to passion.

It cannot be selfish & one of the hardest things learned in love is that it takes giving someone time.
Time is one of the most valuable possessions we hold and how you manage it determines much in love, but this is also why love is so priceless.

Because five star relationships are made with five star time not five star restaurants and hotels.
It's the difference between depth verses things, & length of time isn't as important as the quality of time. 10 minutes can be more valuable than 2 hours if done right

Look more into who you're sitting across from than where you're seated.

Talk often and talk deep because relationship trees with deeper roots will shelter and withstand more life storms

Love is the idea that you can't live without someone, not because you depend on them or are incapable of doing so. But because you've created such an intense bond that you simply do not want to think of being without them

It isn't a puppet show, where choices are marionette controlled. True love is a decision, not forced. A choice that you will allow someone to hold your vulnerability. The ablity for someone to let down walls, is not something you can do without knowing you're safe. Trust.. and trusting someone with your dreams & secrets is terrifying because trying to understand the beats of a heart offering unconditional love has to overcome obstacles of fear, since we have little comprehension of "til death do us part."

That's what makes it so weird.. to choose to fall for something crazy

I've been told in every relationship there are wings and roots, a dreamer and a realist I cannot say if I know this to be true. But as long as the pair of lovers daily decide to choose love they will succeed.

Enjoying the adventure, working through differences, compromising and embracing perspectives

Last but not least, Joy. Love is laughter
When couples are in Love they gain this odd sense of shared humor that includes a joke book only they understand. If you do not laugh in love, you are not in love because where there is genuine laughter there's comfort.

When it comes down to it, love isn't always magical or glorious.. And it may not always seem like a fairytale when thrones are shared toilet seats, and quality time means Cinderella chores. But you'll make it to happily ever after if you can look at the person next to you in your horse powered Honda carriage and realize there's no one else you'd rather be battling life's dragons with.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

The Tribe

Supernatural silhouettes flying through the air, ethereal beings rolling like ocean waves

They've found that there's something about spinning, kicking and flipping your world upside down..
Something therapeutic that ironically makes everything else disappear, that makes everything right even when your real world seems to be flipping upside down and spinning out of control.

Angels with edge, a family of powerful warriors and superhero gatherings who see the world limitless with their creative wings.

Warriors armed with imagination, diversity, talent and inventiveness.

Who've found life really is as simple as an open space with background beats and comrades to share it with.

A place where limits are tested and thoughts are challenged.

Poets that write with movement, haikus brought to life

Just you, your thoughts & emotions. Innovative composers and aerial architects with physical creativity who see the open space as a blank canvas for hands and feet to freelance masterpieces.

But it isn't just tricks, it's their why, their way of life, a bonded community.

Where friendships are written, sealed with tears and stamped with laughter.

They've found this "gold" they all had subconsciously or consciously always been looking for, because here they treasure the sense of home and completeness

A family, and when one falls they all fall, trials are never walked alone. Likewise, when one succeeds they all do.
An empathetic energy and encouraging vibe.

They are the adopted lost boys and girls of Neverland, where pixie dust and Tinkerbells are no longer needed to fly.

However, sometimes their wings fail them, and that's what the family is for.. this family isn't flawless, no family is.

But they are the strong, loving, quirky, mighty, beautiful, dis-functionally functional, imperfectly perfect tribe.   

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Truth...It's not defined by the black and white typed words of Webster, but decided by the sum of exploration and experiences in one's life.

What you come to believe is molded though circumstances, peers and influences.

So don't take lightly the opportunities you have & the people you surround yourself with because truth is a gem sought for surrounded in darkness and dirt.

But if we're daily treading water in a pool of lies, how do we not drown?

Study the truth like it is your lover. Knowing every detail. So as not to be seduced when counterfeit walks in.

Because lies are attractive and enticing. Disguised like angels these little demons take over your conscious and burrow into your insecurities

They easily seep into your thoughts so quietly that we believe the tainted picture they paint of your weaknesses until you're paralyzed in this Venus fly trap of false chatter.

You see, perfect lips whispered truth into your soul before you were born and it cannot be unwritten.

Truth is always there.

It's why you have a burning passion to find purpose.
It's in the fact that you can feel, touch, smell, taste, hear, see, create, love, think and push limits.

When you follow your passion and find the purpose for your life things become clearer.
 Rather than clouding your vision by trying to fit the mold of someone you're not meant to be.

Truth is a gem sought for, surrounded in darkness and dirt.

So don't take lightly the opportunities you have & the people you surround yourself with