Friday, April 10, 2015

Dear Unknown

Unzip my heart and you'll find a mirror because it's filled with you

The wrinkles in my hand connect a perfect path to yours
 And my soul echoes the words of forever that your soul spoke

My lips autograph passion only on you

You, the muse of my thoughts

Who I fell in love with when I saw the intensity in your eyes to live a life so vivid

I feel your breath from the spoken "I love you"'s when we're apart

You have salt shaker fingers from wiping my tears, and sleep number arms that are adjusted to me

My extra vertebrae support you when one backbone isn't enough to withstand the world

And I'm your extra lung when you're out of breath

Eyes blinking, I wake up from dreaming to realize I'm still bus stop waiting for you

But love is never on schedule, so I'll just sit on the bench & wait for you to step off of the L train

I'll recognize you because I've seen you in my dreams

I'll know it's you when we hold hands and the wrinkle paths connect, when your sleep number arms are set to me

You'll be able to stand stronger and breathe easier when I'm around.

So, Dear unknown, I feel the echoes from your soul while I sit on the bench waiting for intense eyes that live a life so vivid so I can autograph you with passion lips

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