Why do we hold false expectations when it comes to love?
In our social media, technology driven lives there's a growing problem of build a bear lovers & Instagram filtered relationships. Causing this realm encompassed in false expectations where you can just swipe to the next option
But you cannot place false expectations on someone or you'll end up leaving when they do not deliver.. For you decided who you wanted them to be before learning who they really were.
Love is them...
They are separately strong, self confident and independent.
Individual beliefs goals and pursuits that flowed together creating a stream of encouragement towards success
They aren't perfect, but they understand and accept that they are flawed. They don't hide behind a façade
Together they are covalent, strongly bonded and hard to break apart
No teetering jenga pieces, they support each other like architectural phenomenon's
They understand love because they've understood themselves instead of trying to fill insecurities with other peoples' innocent hearts
They've learned that love is Accepting flaws, forgiving mistakes, understanding selflessness, & being vulnerable
But this love is hard work, you better be willing to understand its not fixed with autocorrect & emojis
Love is more than the hand holding, lip locking & caress of physical passion.
It's the hand that always comes back to yours even in the midst of tension, and lips that kiss tattoos of apologies after spitting darts. Its the caress of understanding someone else's needs that leads to passion.
It cannot be selfish & one of the hardest things learned in love is that it takes giving someone time.
Time is one of the most valuable possessions we hold and how you manage it determines much in love, but this is also why love is so priceless.
Because five star relationships are made with five star time not five star restaurants and hotels.
It's the difference between depth verses things, & length of time isn't as important as the quality of time. 10 minutes can be more valuable than 2 hours if done right
Look more into who you're sitting across from than where you're seated.
Talk often and talk deep because relationship trees with deeper roots will shelter and withstand more life storms
Love is the idea that you can't live without someone, not because you depend on them or are incapable of doing so. But because you've created such an intense bond that you simply do not want to think of being without them
It isn't a puppet show, where choices are marionette controlled. True love is a decision, not forced. A choice that you will allow someone to hold your vulnerability. The ablity for someone to let down walls, is not something you can do without knowing you're safe. Trust.. and trusting someone with your dreams & secrets is terrifying because trying to understand the beats of a heart offering unconditional love has to overcome obstacles of fear, since we have little comprehension of "til death do us part."
That's what makes it so weird.. to choose to fall for something crazy
I've been told in every relationship there are wings and roots, a dreamer and a realist I cannot say if I know this to be true. But as long as the pair of lovers daily decide to choose love they will succeed.
Enjoying the adventure, working through differences, compromising and embracing perspectives
Last but not least, Joy. Love is laughter
When couples are in Love they gain this odd sense of shared humor that includes a joke book only they understand. If you do not laugh in love, you are not in love because where there is genuine laughter there's comfort.
When it comes down to it, love isn't always magical or glorious.. And it may not always seem like a fairytale when thrones are shared toilet seats, and quality time means Cinderella chores. But you'll make it to happily ever after if you can look at the person next to you in your horse powered Honda carriage and realize there's no one else you'd rather be battling life's dragons with.