Thursday, November 24, 2016



I'm thankful because when I hit snooze & rub my tired eyes, I’ve still woken up to live another day

The calloused, uneven, chipped nails remind me of the work I’ve put in & the opportunities to do so

I shouldn’t get annoyed with the dishes to clean and the laundry to fold because it means I have food to eat and clothes to wear.

I’m thankful for the lack of sleep and long hours because it means I have a job

I’m thankful for passion, because without it there is no spark that ignites the fire. The fire that burns behind the career I have passion for, the relationships I’m passionate about & the flame behind the life I’ve found passion to live out.

I’m thankful for the crowded house, diapers & toys because it means that no matter the seasons of life, my family is there for each other & I am loved. For the random nights I was able to watch Free Birds for the millionth time with my nephew & brother, or share the kitchen with my sister in law & baby niece before running out the door to work. I'm thankful I've been able to hear a few more dad jokes and see a few more eye rolls from my mom.

I'm thankful for friendship. Those I don't see much & those I am able to see often. My intentions are to stay in touch with everyone, but I've come to find how difficult that can be. Even with the best intentions I fall short everyday, so I'm thankful for the friends who have seen the best and worst of me. The ones I've experienced life with, whether in the past or present. I cherish relationships, they are one of the most valuable things to me.  

I’m thankful for the prayers I pray & the Bible I own. I’m thankful for my relationship & faith in God. That I have something I believe so strongly in, but even more so, for fact that I’m able to choose what I believe.

I’m thankful for the ability to travel, immerse myself in different cultures and grow as a human. One of the most humbling and beautiful experiences anyone can take is to go out of your comfort zone and travel to an unfamiliar place.

I’m thankful for the tears that have rolled down these cheeks. The emotions that come with them aren’t exactly enjoyable, but I’m thankful to cry because it means I’m not numb. I’m living, experiencing, loving, hurting, empathizing, failing and growing… a lot.

I’m thankful for laughter, oh am I thankful for laughter. The moments that hurt my cheeks and satisfy my soul. It's like the blanket of life, because with laughter comes warmth & comfort.

I’m thankful, thankful for the small & big things in life. Whether the warm cup of coffee in the morning or the car that gets me to work. I hope to be reminded of these things more often than not, and especially hope to stay grateful more than one day a year. 

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